Mary DeMocker
Teacher, Author, SpeakerI use the arts to fight for a thriving future for all. Through my teaching, writing, and speaking, I help others joyfully create a more just, healthy, and fun world.

My Book
The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution:
100 Ways to Build a Fossil-Free Future, Raise Empowered Kids, and Still Get a Good Night’s Sleep (Foreword by Bill McKibben)
Learn hundreds of wide-ranging ideas, including how to:
- Fight effectively for climate justice
- Talk about the climate crisis in age-appropriate ways
- Amplify youth voices
- Free yourself from dead-end political debates
- Reduce your climate impact while deepening bonds & brightening moods
- Unleash your family’s creativity
- Make activism sustainable (yes, it’s possible)
- Recommended on NPR & in The New York Times
- Nominated for 2019 Oregon Book Award
- Quoted in WIRED, Yes!, Washington Post
Featured in:

Public Speaking
I speak with media, parents, educators, eco-justice advocates, faith communities, literary audiences, and students from elementary to grad school with lively talks on how to change our systems – not just our light bulbs. Media samples: Weather Channel; Radio interview KQED
I’m excited to hear about your project. Please email Mary DeMocker (at) gmail dot com
Selected articles, interviews
- Truthout: Parents fighting for climate justice
- Popular Science: Climate justice education. It's about emotions & empowerment
- Grist: How Activism Keeps Optimism Alive (interviewed)
- WIRED: How to Talk with Kids About Climate (interviewed)
- HotHouse: Advice to a climate-anxious dad-to-be
- Sierra: Moms Don't Need Flowers. We Need Political Power.
- The Sun: Before it's Too Late
- Spirituality & Health: Global Weirding
- Sierra: So Your Kids Are Stressed Out
- New Republic: We're Failing to Prepare Children For the Climate Fight (interviewed)
- The Sun: If Your House Is On Fire
- TEDx talk: Re-Storying Our Future
- Washington Post: Parents can’t fix climate change with life hacks (interviewed)
- KQED’s The Forum: with Michael Krasny (interview)
- NPR: Podcast -- different from article -- has book shout-out
- AUDIOBOOK: The Parents' Guide to Climate Revolution
- Check out reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. Add yours!