Articles by Mary DeMocker

Mary’s Blog

On Cocoa Lattes, Flipping Georgia, and my First TEDx Talk!

On Cocoa Lattes, Flipping Georgia, and my First TEDx Talk!

Happy pandemic-y holidays! May this find you and yours well and safe. I took a nice, month-long social media break after the election, and am now back with some holiday cheer and -- ta-da -- my first TEDx talk!   In "Re-Story Our Future with Your Creativity," I...

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Read Mary’s Review of Jamie Margolin’s New Book!

Read Mary’s Review of Jamie Margolin’s New Book!

Read Mary's Review of Jamie Margolin's New Book! Click here to see the article on In my work as a climate activist, I meet many adults living or working with children who suffer from eco-anxiety as well as kids of all ages eager to help build a better...

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